Lekempty coffee

Lekempty coffee

What Makes Lekempty Coffee Unique?

Nekempty also known as Lekempty, is a region located within the state of Wellega. This coffee would typically be sold as “Lekempty,” a trade name in coffee to designate Western Ethiopian coffees traded through the city of Nekemte, while the coffee actually originates further west in East Wellega, also called “Misraq Wellega”, which is the Gimbi woreda. The coffee is known for its large bean size, and the flavor can have a pronounced perfume-like aftertaste.

Specific characteristics


  • Attitude: -1700-2200M
  • Raw appearance: – Greenish, brownish
  • Harvest period: – November – March
  • Taste: mild fruity 
  • Cup: -good acidity & body
  • Export: unwashed Grade 4 & 5

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Lekempty coffee