Djimmah Coffee

Djimmah Coffee

What Makes Djimmah Coffee Unique?

  • It is characterized by an intense wine flavor with distinct notes of dark chocolate. Djimmah does not showcase its beautiful grain – its fruits are rather small and irregular. This is due to its wild origin which, however, hides the wealth of flavor. Ethiopia is considered the homeland of coffee, but the coffee began to be grown there quite late, due to the fact that the people of Ethiopia harvested enough coffee for their own needs from wild growing plants. To this day, coffee grows in the wild, and one of the naturally growing coffees in Ethiopia is Djimmah. It’s manually harvested from wild plants, so it is a fully natural & organic coffee.

Specific Characteristics

  •  Attitude: -1650-2200M
  • Grown in Illibabur and Kaffa region
  • Harvest period: – November – January
  • Raw appearance: – Green to Greenish
  • Taste: Fruity flavor  
  • Cup: -medium acidity & medium body
  • Export: – Natural Grade 4 & 5

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Djimmah Coffee