
Variety of coffees 1

Ethiopia is the motherland of Coffee Arabica. It is endowed with a rich variety of coffee and its diverse origins. Ethiopian coffee is rich with original flavor and perfume because of the geographical (altitude, soil, temperature, rainfall, topography and ecology issues), genotypic and cultural variety within the country. Coffee has been growing in Ethiopia for thousands of years, in the forests of southwestern highlands.

Additionally, Ethiopia is a home to large quantities of coffee in both of the world’s two major production styles:

Sun-dried natural, and fully washed, Unlike many other countries, Ethiopia has sundried and washed processing styles which primarily refer to the method of removing the skin, pulp, and parchment from the outer layers of the coffee cherry, to reveal the green coffee bean (actually the seed of the plant) at large scale. As we export both washed and sundried coffee of various types to overseas market, let us elaborate the sundried and washed processing styles briefly in the following few paragraphs

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